Sixth-Year Certificates

Final semester

Step 1: Apply to Graduate (deadline by 4th week of final semester)

Students who are candidates for graduation must apply to graduate through the Student Administration System. Apply to graduate by the fourth week of your final semester for each certificate you are completing (or the spring semester for summer graduates). You can apply to graduate once registration for your last semester opens up. The Degree Audit section of the Office of the Registrar will then determine whether all requirements will be satisfied by the end of your final semester.

For more information about using the system to apply for graduation, see Apply for Graduation.

Step 2: Check name and address

Please verify the spelling, capitalization, and punctuation of your name and the accuracy of the address where your certificate should be sent two months after conferral in the Student Administration System. For instructions, see Verify Diploma Name and Address on Graduation Status Page.

  • Your Degree Name will be printed on the certificate. Degree Name must share the same last name as your Primary Name. Changes to last name require official documentation submitted to the Office of the Registrar.
  • The mailing/billing address is where certificates will be mailed unless a separate Diploma Address has been designated. Certificates are mailed approximately two months after conferral, so the address should be appropriate for that timeframe.

Certificates reprinted due to incorrect name or improper address will incur a cost for replacement. Please note there may be implications if the name on your certificate differs from the name in your record, such as an inability to verify your certificate, or change in licensure or VISA status.

Step 3: Submit Plan of Study (deadline by 4th week of final semester)

Students should complete the plan of study form below and submit it with the necessary signatures to the Degree Audit Office. Some programs submit on behalf of the student, so please check with your advisor. The signed plan of study (electronic signatures accepted) must be emailed to or

Step 4: Submit Final Paperwork (check Academic Calendar for dates)

Submit the required paperwork below by the published deadline on the Academic Calendar:

Step 5: Check email to confirm progress of steps to graduation

You should receive emails during and after your final semester:

  • indicating that your certificate has been awarded, and
  • notifying you once diplomas are mailed out.

Close out (3-4 weeks after conferral)

Three to four weeks after conferral, the graduating class will be closed out and certificates awarded.

Graduation FAQs

How do I change my graduation term?

Students who have applied for graduation who later determine that they will not complete their requirements by the above deadlines (for example, students who anticipate an incomplete grade or change in your final exam date) may change their graduation term by contacting your degree auditor through the Degree Audit section of the Office of the Registrar to discuss other deadlines and if enrollment is required for the next semester.

How do I submit my paperwork?

Completed signed forms for Sixth-Year Certificates should be emailed to or as a PDF file by the deadlines listed on the Academic Calendar.  Original, scanned, or electronic signatures are accepted.  If the forms cannot be signed, an approval email from each committee member from their UConn or UCHC email address will be accepted.  If the program is an Advisement Report based, your department typically will submit your signed Advisement Report on your behalf (please check with your department). Forms required for submission can be found using the Forms section of the Registrar’s Office webpage.

Keep copies of all documents for your records. All members of a student’s advisory committee must provide an original signature in one of the above ways however, signatures may be on different pages or come from multiple faculty emails.