Instructions for Entering Grades
Late submission of grades affects many things, including graduation, probation and dismissal, Dean's List, and financial aid eligibility. The deans have asked that they be notified of late grades.
- Instructions for submitting Final Grades
- Instructions for uploading grades with a CSV file
- Transferring grades from HuskyCT Original courses to Student Admin
- Transferring grades from HuskyCT Ultra courses to Student Admin
If instructors wish to use grades from a HuskyCT Grade Book to create a CSV file for the new grade upload option they can also contact the Education Technologies HuskyCT Support staff for assistance (6-5052;
Partial Posting
It is not necessary for you to enter all of the grades for the course in a single session. As long as the Approval Status is not set to Approved and the Registrar's Office has not posted the grades, you will be able to update the Grade Roster. You must click on the Save button before leaving the grade-posting page in order to save the grades you have entered. A feature of the system allows you to "Display Ungraded Students Only" by clicking on a check box.
Grade Changes
If you need to change a grade that has already been posted, you may do so using the Student Administration System. See Grade Change Instructions. Users that have multiple roles at the University do not have access to this feature. If you are unable to submit grade changes through the system please email from your UConn email account with the grade change request. Please include the semester, course, student's name and ID#, and the old and new grade.
Grading Deadline
Semester grades should be reported to the Registrar as soon as possible after the completion of the course final examination and no later than 72 hours after the completion of the exam. Late submission of grades affects many things, including graduation, probation and dismissal, Dean’s List, and financial aid eligibility. The deans have asked that they be notified of late grades.
The deadline for each semester is listed on the Academic Calendar.
Last Date of Attendance
Starting in the Spring 2024 semester, when submitting final grades, instructors must indicate the last date of attendance for any student assigned a grade of F, N, U.
- Last Date of Attendance: Procedure on Submission of Grades
- Last Date of Attendance: Frequently Asked Questions
If you have questions regarding grade submission, you can contact the Registrar's Office at (860) 486-3331, Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. You can also email the office at
If you have difficulty logging in to the system, please visit