University Senate By-Laws state that instructors of 1000 and 2000-level courses must submit mid-semester grades for all enrolled students through the Student Administration System during the mid-semester grading period which spans the sixth through eighth week of the semester. The Registrar alerts the students, their advisors, and others, such as the First Year Programs Office, as appropriate, via the University’s e-mail system. They are designed to be of diagnostic aid to the student. If a student is doing unsatisfactory work, the full responsibility for improvement is left to the student. The student is strongly advised, however, to confer with his or her advisor, with the instructors concerned, and with others qualified to assist him or her in improving his or her standing in the University.
Rosters will be available for all undergraduate and graduate level courses and instructors of all level courses are encouraged to enter mid-semester grades during the mid-semester grading period.
The midterm grades will NOT appear on any of the varieties of the transcript or advising report as they are not official grades. Students and advisors are able to view the mid-term grades PeopleSoft. (There is a tab for Midterm Grades on the View My Grades page.) Notification of mid-term grade warnings will be provided to the students, their advisors, and others as appropriate via email.
Please see the links below for entering mid-term grades:
- Entering mid-term grades
- Transferring grades from HuskyCT Original courses to Student Admin
- Transferring grades from HuskyCT Ultra courses to Student Admin
- Uploading grades from a CSV file
Note: The Notify Selected Students or Notify All Students buttons DO NOT send students a midterm grade notification. You can optionally elect to send students an email using these buttons, if desired.
If you need assistance please contact the Office of the Registrar at (860) 486-3331 or
Gregory Bouquot
University Registrar