Final Exam Information

Final Exam Schedule

Final exam schedules for students and faculty are viewable in the Student Administration System once they are published for the term. If needed, access instructions for students or for faculty to view your final exam schedule.

Spring 2025 Final Exam Schedule (All Campuses)

The schedule of exams is posted on this page on October 1 for the fall term and March 1 for the spring term. Please see the Academic Calendar for the start and end dates of final exams for a particular term.

Note: There is always a chance that weather or other factors might cause changes in the final exam schedule.

Updating Final Exam Requirements for Classes

If your class does not require a final exam, please contact your department's scheduling administrator as exam requirements for classes can now be managed via CourseLeaf Section Scheduler (CLSS). For instructions on updating exam requirements, please see Setting Final Exam Requirements in CLSS.

Other Final Exam Information

Final Exam Processes and Policies

Final Exam Scheduling

In-class final examinations must be given in the places and at the times scheduled by the University.

If a time is scheduled for a course in the official finals schedule, the time may not be changed. Very few exceptions to move and change final exams – requested by either faculty or students – are approved because of limited space and a short, tightly scheduled exam period. Please keep in mind fairness to students: many plan their studies and projects far in advance of finals based on the published exam schedule.  To depart from the published ground rules causes not only inconvenience, but also inequity.

Even the well-intentioned inclination of a faculty member – or of a student – to change a scheduled finals time can have a devastating effect upon students who are then frustrated by a suddenly altered schedule.  Even apparent consensus among students to change an exam time can mask an unanticipated intrusion by the majority upon the legitimate expectations of a few.  We therefore approve such requests on a very limited basis.

Finals may not be administered on Reading days.

Each teaching member of the staff should announce to each class exactly when and where the final is scheduled for the particular section.  While such an announcement would probably be helpful in all cases, it would be especially useful in sectioned classes where finals are held at a number of different times.  It seems it is not uncommon for students who are absent from a finals to present as excuse that they did not understand correctly when or where the final was to be held.


Semester grades should be reported to the Registrar as soon as possible after the completion of the final examination and no later than 72 hours after the completion of the exam.


Final papers should be retained for a reasonable period of time after the final is over. Unless papers are returned to the students, the instructor should keep them at least through the following semester.

Undergraduate Final Exam Information

Missed Final Exams

There is no provision for excusing any student from finals by department vote or otherwise.

If the student has missed the final or seeks to be examined early, the student’s absence must be excused by the Dean of Students office, thus permitting you to offer a rescheduled examination. A student whose absence from a final is not excused in this way shall receive no credit for this final. (Depending on the student’s previous performance in the class and the weight of the final in the grade, this need not mean failure in the course). A student whose absence is excused by the Dean of Students shall have an opportunity to take a final without penalty.  Dean of Students office (Ext. 3426) welcomes any information you may have concerning a student’s reason for requesting a rescheduled final. If you teach at a regional campus, contact the campus Student Services.

If a student does not take your final at the time scheduled in the official schedule, no matter how valid and urgent his or her reason, one of the following grade reports must be made:

  1. If in your judgment, it is reasonable to suppose that the student could pass the course by a reasonable performance on the final, you are to mark the student “X”
  2. Otherwise, you are to mark the student “F”. (Please note that a grade of “F” should not be turned in simply because the student is absent – nor should the instructor attempt to evaluate the reasons for the absence.)
  3. A third option is that when a student’s absence from a final is not excused they shall receive no credit for the final. Depending on the student’s previous performance in the class and the weight of the final in the grade, this need not mean failure in the course. However, a student whose absence is excused by the Dean of Students shall have an opportunity to take a final without penalty.

Once you have reported a student as being absent from a final, you should not thereafter give the student a make-up final or any further work of any kind until you are authorized to do so by one of the following offices, as appropriate:

For undergraduate degree-seeking students and non-degree students enrolled in undergraduate classes at Storrs, Dean of Students office Wilbur Cross Building, or call (860) 486-3426.

For undergraduates and non-degree students at the regional campuses, the campus Student Services office.

For medical reasons, Student Health Services call Ext. 4700.

Bunched Exams

Students with “bunched” finals may postpone a final in the special circumstances described below: If approved, Dean of Students office will send an e-mail to the effected instructor(s) and to the student. For additional information on absences from finals, go to  Students at a regional campus should contact the campus Student Services.

A student whose final schedule includes four finals in two consecutive calendar days may request a rescheduled final in place of one of the four scheduled finals.

A student whose schedule includes three finals in one calendar day or three finals in consecutive time blocks spanning parts of two consecutive days may request a rescheduled final in place of one of the three scheduled finals.

The iCenter in Wilbur Cross verifies a student’s final schedule in Storrs and determines which of the “bunched” final may be rescheduled.

The rescheduled final must be given, at a mutually agreeable time for both instructor and student, not later than the third week of the next semester in which the student is enrolled.

When final grades for the course are reported to the Registrar, the instructor should report a mark of Absent (“X”), unless the make-up has been completed in time for the student’s letter grade to be determined.

Questions on any of these matters may be referred to Dean of Students office (Ext. 3426) or the Office of the Registrar (Ext. 3331).

Academic Misconduct

The incidence of cheating unfortunately increases during finals. Instructors are reminded that the current Student Code pamphlet outlines University Senate policy and guidelines for confronting cheating and other forms of academic misconduct.  The policy states, in part, the following:  “Instructors shall take reasonable steps to prevent academic misconduct by students in their courses.” During the course of the finals, an instructor or proctor who observes suspicious behavior should warn the individuals involved regarding the appearance of their actions and request them to cease the suspicious actions immediately.  Continuation of such behavior may be considered evidence of academic misconduct. The Community Standards office believes instructors should consider requiring student identification at finals and having more than one version of the final (especially for make-ups).  If you suspect any irregularities, please contact the Community Standards office (Ext. 8402) for assistance. If you teach at a regional campus, contact the campus Student Services.

Graduate Course-Specific Final Exam Information

Missed Final Course Exams 

If a student does not take your final at the time scheduled in the official schedule, no matter how valid and urgent his or her reason, one of the following grade reports must be made:

  1. If in your judgment, it is reasonable to suppose that the student could pass the course by a reasonable performance on the final, you are to mark the student “X.”
  2. Otherwise, you are to mark the student “F”. (Please note that a grade of “F” should not be turned in simply because the student is absent – nor should the instructor attempt to evaluate the reasons for the absence.)

Academic Misconduct

The incidence of cheating unfortunately increases during finals. Instructors are reminded that the current Student Code pamphlet outlines University Senate policy and guidelines for confronting cheating and other forms of academic misconduct.  The policy states, in part, the following:  “Instructors shall take reasonable steps to prevent academic misconduct by students in their courses.” During the course of the finals, an instructor or proctor who observes suspicious behavior should warn the individuals involved regarding the appearance of their actions and request them to cease the suspicious actions immediately.

The Graduate Catalog provides the following process for addressing Misconduct Allegedly Committed Within an Academic Course:

The instructor, dean or department head who believes that scholarly misconduct has occurred within an academic course (the Complainant) shall retain all evidence of the alleged misconduct in its original form.

Original papers or other materials need not be returned to the accused student. Copies of the accused student’s work will be provided upon request. All instructors within the course shall be notified of the allegation and the proposed academic consequences before the student is notified of the alleged misconduct.

Within 30 business days of becoming aware of alleged misconduct, the Complainant shall notify the accused student and their major advisor in writing of the allegation of misconduct and the academic consequences to be imposed. The notice shall be sent by the Complainant to the accused student by email, to the student’s official University email address, and, if appropriate, by first class mail, postage prepaid, to the mailing address on file with the University. The notification shall advise the student that they have 10 business days from the date the notice is sent via email to contact the Complainant to address the alleged misconduct and/or file an appeal, and that if the student fails to do so, the academic consequences described in the notice shall be imposed. The Complainant will provide a copy of the written notification sent to the accused student to the Graduate School, and also will maintain a copy. (Complainant may use the Scholarly Misconduct Graduate School Reporting Form). The Graduate School shall notify the Complainant of the receipt of an appeal filed by the accused student within five business days. If an appeal is filed, the Complainant shall within five business days forward to the Graduate School information supporting the allegation.

An accused student may file an appeal in writing with the Graduate School. Please see the Complaint, Appeal and Hearing Procedures of the Graduate School.

The procedures for evaluating the appeal and referral to a hearing will follow the guidelines set forth in the Complaint, Appeal and Hearing Procedures of the Graduate School.

A student who has been notified that they have been accused of scholarly misconduct may not withdraw from the course in which the alleged misconduct has occurred without the approval of the Dean of the Graduate School. If a semester concludes before a scholarly misconduct matter is resolved, the student shall receive a temporary “I” (Incomplete) grade in the course until the instructor submits the appropriate grade.

Please see the Graduate Catalog for information on Misconduct Allegedly Committed Outside of an Academic Course.

Each discipline may have additional technical standards that could account for misconduct. Tor these rules, see your department.