Registration Tools
Between tracking academic requirements, satisfying course prerequisites, and fitting courses into your schedule, planning for the semester can be a challenge. The Student Administration System provides some useful tools in navigating the process.
Academic Requirements Report
The Academic Requirements Report tracks your progress as you work to complete your current declared program(s). It combines your coursework history and graduation requirements into one comprehensive report that allows you to easily view what has been satisfied and what is still outstanding to earn your degree. You can use the report to target courses to fulfill remaining requirements as well as save or print a PDF snapshot of your progress toward your degree.
What-if Report
The What-if Report enables you to choose a potential major and then outlines how the courses you've already completed will be applied to those requirements. It will also provide insight into what remaining courses and requirements you would need to fulfill to complete that program.
Academic Planner
The Academic Planner allows you to plan out future semesters. Select the courses you intend to register for and assign them to future semesters to create a plan for graduation. You can plan by your graduation requirements to ensure your planned classes are working to complete your degree.
Common Registration Problems
If you are unable to enroll in a course, see the UConn Advising website for possible reasons and ways to resolve those issues.
Course Information and Class Search
Descriptions of active courses are available on the UConn catalog website as well as Browse Course Catalog in the Student Administration System.
To find course offerings by semester offered, campus, availability or other criteria, use See Using the Class Search for help using the search features. When logged in, UConn students can also use the Build My Schedule feature of UConn Class Search.
Excess Credits
To register for more than the maximum credits listed below, the student must obtain permission from the student's advisor and academic dean. Excess credit authorization forms are available at the departments or they may be downloaded from the Forms page.
- Engineering, Fine Arts, Pharmacy: 19 (21 if 5th semester or above and earned 2.6 SGPA or above the previous semester)
- All other schools and colleges: 17 (18 if earned 2.6 SGPA or above the previous semester)
- Graduate students may enroll in up to 20 credits per semester. If a graduate student has extenuating circumstances that require the student to take more than 20 credits, the major advisor must send a written request to The Graduate School for approval.
For five or six-week Summer Session, the maximum is 8 credits. For three -week terms, the maximum is 4 credits.
Filled Classes
Filled classes may have a Wait List associated with them. If it is important to take a class that is full, you may contact the instructor or department that offers the class and ask for permission to over enroll. The department can issue a permission number to override the system, allowing you to enroll.
Independent Study, Research Courses, and Internships
Students wishing to study a topic independently, for credit, must find an instructor to supervise the project. The instructor and the student then agree on the number of credits the student may earn. The student must complete the online Student Enrollment Request Form (located on the Forms webpage) to request approval for enrollment. If the request is approved, the student will be enrolled into the independent study course by the Registrar’s Office.
Without special permission, students may not register for or earn toward the degree more than six credits each semester in any one or combination of independent study, special topics, and variable topics courses. To increase this limit, students must consult with their advisor and get the permission of their academic dean.
Non-Degree Study at the University of Connecticut enables students to register in regular credit courses for academic credit without being admitted to an undergraduate or graduate degree program. Day, evening, and weekend courses are offered at our five campuses and online. In addition to fall and spring classes, non-degree students may enroll in May Term, Summer Session, and Winter Intersession classes. Please note that non-degree status does not constitute, guarantee, or imply admission into any program at UConn.
Permission Numbers
Permission numbers, which may be offered to students at the discretion of course instructors and/or departments, allow students to override certain enrollment restrictions on some courses. For example, a valid permission number could allow a student to enroll in a class that is at or above maximum enrollment capacity, or to enroll in a class for which the student does not meet the enrollment requirements as defined by the course catalog. Permission numbers cannot be issued by the Registrar's Office. Please reach out to the course instructor for further guidance on obtaining a permission number.
Information about textbooks used for each course is found at the UConn Bookstore website.
Time Between Classes
There is a 15 minute passing time built into the class schedule. The typical Monday, Wednesday, Friday class lasts 50 minutes. The typical Tuesday, Thursday class lasts 75 minutes. For more information, see Standard Meeting Times. To check the distance between class locations, consult the Campus Map.
Time Conflicts
In order to register for a class whose time overlaps with another class for which you have already registered, you must complete the online Student Enrollment Request Form (located on the Forms webpage) to request approval from the instructor of the conflicting course. If the request is approved, the student will be enrolled into the conflicting course by the Registrar’s Office. Permission numbers will not allow you to register for a time conflict.